IRIS Instruments continues to expand internationally

Hello everyone!

We are happy and proud to announce the opening in USA of MPT-IRIS Inc, a new company born from Multi-Phase Technologies (MPT) in collaboration with IRIS-Instruments.
The headquarters of MPT-IRIS Inc will remain at MPT’s office at 1430 Greg ST. Suite 503, Sparks Nevada 89431. MPT-IRIS with continue to provide service and support to previous customers of Multi-Phase Technologies.

The alliance of these two companies allows to provide an extremely complete expertise in both instrumentation and service in the domains of electrical resistivity and induced polarization.

That is why we have chosen to officialize the marriage of these two entities November 6th, 2019. IRIS Instruments acquired 70% of the shares of this new company. Dr Douglas LaBrecque, MPT’s founder, retains 30% of shares.

The CEO of MPT-IRIS is Daniel LaBrecque.

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